Re: What after exporting instances?
Also, I have a revised and bigger kern proof that I can email you. Just send me your email address in a private message.1 -
Re: What after exporting instances?
Also, be sure to review your masters and exported fonts with the Show Red Arrows plugin (works in Glyphs and Robofont).1 -
Re: What after exporting instances?
Try the Indesign file I use to proof kerning, it’s in my Github repository of proofing documents. It’s thorough.1 -
Re: What after exporting instances?
Generate the fonts with overlaps removed (Glyphs, FontLab, and Font Creator can do this so you can preserve overlaps in your masters). Then do the following: • Open every font in your font editor and…2 -
Proofing Kern On results - How do you review thousands of pairs?
I decided to try Kern On with my latest typeface. After deleting all the small pairs (less than 5) and cleaning up some garbage (pairs for CALT glyphs) I still have over 7,500 pairs in each master. A…1